Restoring the healing power of the feminine cycle
Bali Retreat 2016 ~ details to be announced
This foundational Menstrual Wellbeing retreat is in essence about restoring the healing power of your feminine cycle.
We will explore & offer you a greater understanding and connection to your menstrual cycle as well as self care tools and knowledge to help you achieve greater emotional and hormonal balance.
Menstrual Wellbeing is a vital key to women’s health, in creating and birthing our gifts into the world, enhancing our fertility, creativity, reconnecting the relationship between the heart and womb space, that in turn nourishes our relationships with the men and children in our lives.
This workshop is for you if:
- You have menstrual problems such as period pain, heavy periods, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, PMS or irregular cycles
- You feel like you have lost connection with your self, your feminine essence and natural feminine cycle
- You feel like you are constantly giving out to others and neglect to take time out for yourself.
- You are feeling depleted with your energy and disconnected from your natural energy flow as a woman.
- You feel disconnected from your creativity & vitality.
- You are feeling dissatisfied within the relationship with your self & others
- You are on a spiritual journey and would like to connect with a group of like minded women in a safe, nurturing and sacred space.
What you will learn:
- How to flow & align with your natural cyclic & hormone changes.
- How to eat to promote hormone balance and menstrual wellbeing.
- Kitchen remedies (including herbs) to help resolve menstrual problems and promote healthy menstruation and hormone balance.
- Practical tools & tips for self care during your period, and different phases of the menstrual cycle.
- Meditation and restorative yoga practices specific for the different phases of your menstrual cycle.
- How to rebuilding a vibrant relationship to your body, womb, heart and feminine wisdom and essence.
- How to strengthen and deepen the connection to your intuition and wisdom within your body for greater wellbeing.
- How to restore the sacredness of your womb – nourishing the feminine essence of your ‘beingness’ is truly the key towards maintaining your wellbeing and increasing your vitality.
- How to connect with the cycle of the moon for greater hormone balance & enhance menstrual & emotional health.
What is included:
- Two experienced facilitators Katherine Smith and Kate Moody, so you will be well cared for and nurtured over the two days.
- Morning and afternoon tea.
- A workbook with written information on all the self-care and yoga practices taught over the two days.
- Post event support with access to PDF files with additional information, video of 1 x yoga sequences & a private online group forum
- A meditation CD
Super Early Bird: TBA
Early Bird: TBA
Full Price: TBA
Places are limited to a maximum of 10 participants to allow for an intimate & safe space. So please register early to avoid disappointment.
To register and pay online please click on the button below:
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